Monday, January 30, 2012
We need donations!
Believe it or not, we are asking for books, DVDs and CDs again. Sorting for the 2012 book sale has begun, and we need materials to keep our volunteers busy. Pelase bring donations into the library during operating hours, Thursday through Saturday.
E-mail from the Friends
Are you getting monthly emails from the Friends through their Yahoo Group? If not, you may be missing important meeting notices and requests for volunteers. If you would like to be added to the Friends Yahoo Group, please email Liz Harrington at
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Welcome to our NEW blog!
Welcome to our NEW blog! Please check back now and then -- you never know what you might find!
Here are the posts from our OLD blog:
Book Donations
The Friends gratefully accept donations of gently used hardcover and
paperback books, children's books, CD audiobooks, DVDs, and music CDs.
We accept books in good to excellent condition and regretfully CANNOT
accept magazines, encyclopedias, Reader's Digest condensed books, tax
books, textbooks, VHS tapes, or cassetteaudiobooks. Donations are
accepted at the library on Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Mark your calendar for the
Re-Organizational Meeting
Wednesday Evening, January 13, 2010, at 7 p.m. in the Lincoln Room
The Friends of the Library is a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing library activities and programs. The Friends are eager supporters united by the common concern for the well-being of the Wauconda Area Library. Our Friends help to promote the library, develop fund-raising activities such as the Friends Annual Book Sale, present special programs, and encourage reading and use of the library.
In recent years, the Friends have accomplished a lot with the enthusiastic support and help of just a handful of active members. Thanks to their hard work, the Friends group has grown to the point that a more formal organizational structure is needed in order to support the library effectively. The suggested next step is that officers be established and that official IRS status as a charitable organization be acquired. In order to achieve this, there will be an organizational meeting on Wednesday, January 13 at 7 p.m. in the Lincoln Room.
This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in becoming an active member of the Friends - we strongly encourage you to attend this meeting! Please come to hear more about the Friends, begin the process of establishing officers, hear Library Director Tom Kern give the "State of the Library;' and join the discussion about how the Friends can continue to support the Library.
If you have any questions about this meeting or about the Friends in general, please call Tom Kern at 847-526-6225, ext. 209.
Friend’s Meeting
Another Successful Book Sale!
Another Successful Book Sale!
The Friends Fall Book Sale is a perennial
hit in our community and this year's sale was no exception. Anxious
shoppers lined up hours in advance for our preview night on October 7.
In addition, record numbers attended the sale this year with over $5,000
raised to benefit the library. Such success would have been impossible
if not for the many volunteers who so generously gave their support.
Over 375 volunteer hours were recorded this year, from set-up to the
final hour of the sale.
Funds raised at the book sale go towards
enhancing our library and the activities presented throughout the year.
The Friends recently purchased two Early Literacy Stations and will be
sponsoring prizes for the 2011 Winter Reading Clubs.
Friends Fall Celebration
"Volunteers do not necessarily have the time;
they just have the heart." - Elizabeth Andrew
To say thanks to those who so kindly gave their time and energy to
this year's book sale, the Friends hosted a night of fun. All Friends
members with current, active memberships were invited to attend the
event. Guests enjoyed music performed by Wauconda High School students.
The one and only Harry Potter took a little time off from his opening
weekend to cast a few spells at the library. The evening was rounded
out with scrumptious snacks, games, and entertainment.they just have the heart." - Elizabeth Andrew
Don't miss out on future"Friends only"
events. Show support for your library by becoming a Friend! Next time
you're in the library, stop by the Information Desk and sign up. Or
visit to download an application. The Friends meet at the library on the second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m.
Book Donations
September 28, 2010
Annual Friends Used Book Sale (Books, DVDs, CDs, and more!)
Mark your calendar for the
biggest library event of the year!
Annual Friends of the Library Book Sale
October 8 - 10
October 8 - 10
Choose from thousands of books, CD's, movies and more at the Annual Fall Book Sale at the Wauconda Area Library from Friday, October 8 through Sunday, October 10. The book sale is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
The book sale hours are:
Friday, October 8, from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m.
Saturday, October 9, from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Sunday, October 10, from Noon until 3:30 p.m.*
Saturday, October 9, from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Sunday, October 10, from Noon until 3:30 p.m.*
*Sunday only! Fill a bag for $5 all during the sale!
Get in line for Preview Night!
The special Friends Preview Night is
Thursday, October 7, from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.
Thursday, October 7, from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.
Get first dibs on thousands of items! Friends Preview Night is open to current members only. Annual memberships and renewals may be purchased at the Information Desk.
April 29, 2010
New Board of Directors
Elections were held at the March Friends of the Library meeting.
- President - Liz Harrington
- Vice President - Mike Doehler
- Treasurer - Cindy Oakley
- Secretary - Diane Boothby
- Book Sale/Fundraising - Beth Zimmerman
- Membership - Mary Stevens
- Programs - Becky Coolidge
- Publicity - Pat Wise
- Social - Melissa Anderson
December 16, 2009
Friends of the Library RE-ORGANIZING
Re-Organizational Meeting
Wednesday Evening, January 13, 2010, at 7 p.m. in the Lincoln Room
The Friends of the Library is a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing library activities and programs. The Friends are eager supporters united by the common concern for the well-being of the Wauconda Area Library. Our Friends help to promote the library, develop fund-raising activities such as the Friends Annual Book Sale, present special programs, and encourage reading and use of the library.
In recent years, the Friends have accomplished a lot with the enthusiastic support and help of just a handful of active members. Thanks to their hard work, the Friends group has grown to the point that a more formal organizational structure is needed in order to support the library effectively. The suggested next step is that officers be established and that official IRS status as a charitable organization be acquired. In order to achieve this, there will be an organizational meeting on Wednesday, January 13 at 7 p.m. in the Lincoln Room.
This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in becoming an active member of the Friends - we strongly encourage you to attend this meeting! Please come to hear more about the Friends, begin the process of establishing officers, hear Library Director Tom Kern give the "State of the Library;' and join the discussion about how the Friends can continue to support the Library.
If you have any questions about this meeting or about the Friends in general, please call Tom Kern at 847-526-6225, ext. 209.
May 13, 2009
April 8, 2009 Meeting Minutes
To recap the April meeting of the Friends of the Library, the following items were discussed:
-Organization finances and working capital
-The approval for the expenditure of the newly installed fireplace in the library
-The approval for the purchase of decorations for the new fireplace
-The upcoming Project Green Weekend including the Jack Kaufmann performance
-The distribution of the National Arbor Day Foundation Trees by the Friends
-The success of the Friends Paperback Exchange
-Visiting other library Friends group meetings to learn and to exchange ideas
It was also decided at the April meeting that the start time for future regular monthly meetings of the Friends of the Library will be 7:00 p.m.
Those in attendance at the April meeting included: Terri S., Sandy R., Julie D. and Mike D.
The April meeting concluded at 8:30 p.m.
The next meeting of the Friends of the Library will be at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 13, 2009.
-Organization finances and working capital
-The approval for the expenditure of the newly installed fireplace in the library
-The approval for the purchase of decorations for the new fireplace
-The upcoming Project Green Weekend including the Jack Kaufmann performance
-The distribution of the National Arbor Day Foundation Trees by the Friends
-The success of the Friends Paperback Exchange
-Visiting other library Friends group meetings to learn and to exchange ideas
It was also decided at the April meeting that the start time for future regular monthly meetings of the Friends of the Library will be 7:00 p.m.
Those in attendance at the April meeting included: Terri S., Sandy R., Julie D. and Mike D.
The April meeting concluded at 8:30 p.m.
The next meeting of the Friends of the Library will be at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 13, 2009.
April 08, 2009
Update of meeting time
The Friends meeting for April has just ended, and the meeting
time was discussed. From now on, the Friends meetings will start at 7
p.m. instead of 7:30 p.m.
Meeting Notes from March 2009
Friends Meeting Round-up 3/11/09
In attendance: Terri (Library Staff Liaison), Mike (Treasurer), Julie, Virginia, Becky
Meeting start: 7:38
1. Financial Report
- Financial status was discussed.
- Friends bank statements need to be distributed directly to the Friends Treasurer via the library Business Manager
- Future fundraiser opportunities will be discussed in upcoming meetings
2. March Meeting Minutes
- The Friends meeting minutes can now be viewed on the library web site.
- Terri and Julie will give a demonstration of the Friends page, as well as the Friends blog at the April meeting.
3. Paper back exchange
- Information regarding the PPB exchange will be going into the Spring edition of the Focus newsletter.
- At the time of the meeting, 41 books had gone out unofficially. We are not keeping an official track, just noting how many empty slots there are
- Amount of books going out have started to pick up, just over the course of the month. Not bad for the first month of it being in operation.
4. Program - Jack Kaufmann/Earth Day Celebration - April 26
- Multi-media concert presentation, information posted on website
- Director of Environment for WaucondaTownshipand the Community Relations Officer for the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County will set up a table and provide information to patrons
- The library will be raffling off a composter and a rain barrel.
- A mobile “super shredder” from Cintas will be on site on Saturday, April 25 from 9 a.m. to noon.
- Becky, Virginia, Mike and Julie have agreed to be on hand at the Jack Kaufman to assist with SWALCO handouts and to promote the Friends.
5. Friends meeting Visit reports
· Friends member Virginia Muller visited the March meeting of the Friends of the Barrington Area Library. Virginia shared with the group what she learned at the meeting and brought lots of ideas back to our group. Some
ideas presented included the idea of situating “library carts”
throughout the community stocked with used books to offer for sale. The carts would be fixed with lock boxes, and books would be sold on the honor system.
· Virginia
also mentioned the idea of a having a Friends member contact new
members and provide them with information regarding meetings and
anything else relating to the Friends. In
addition, Virginia also stressed the methods in which the Barrington
Friends group works in cooperation with other organizations within the
community in planning and implementing programs and events as a joint
· It was suggested that our Friends group become a member of both the Wauconda and Island Chambers of Commerce. We will discuss this at our monthly meetings in the near future.
· Let
it be noted that although this was not listed on the agenda, Becky
placed a phone call to the Johnsburg Public Library for information
regarding Friends Officers, 501C status, and whether or not library
staff were permitted to serve on their Friends Board. Further information is needed and Becky has suggested that she will visit the library in person in the future.
6. Volunteers at the Library
· Due to a lack of time, this item will need to be discussed at the next meeting.
7. Summer Entertainment Schedule
· Terri
talked about the Summer concert series, as well as the estimated
breakdown. We also discussed the possibility of scooping ice cream
again, as well as talking to TAG or a local business to scoop ice cream
at the events.
8. New Business
· Summer Reading program
o The Friends agreed to sponsor the purchase of books for both YA and Children’s summer reading programs. We
tentatively to $500 per department, and will revisit if the amount
seems to be out of synch with the scope of the reading program. The
books purchased will be given out as prizes, incentives to the program
participants, which will also be revisited to make sure that it is what
the departments want.
· Other summer items:
o The
idea was brought up for the Friends to look into a booth at the
Farmer’s Market as a way to make the public more aware of what we do, as
well as to have books for sale there. Also,
the idea was brought up to see if TAG members would be willing to help
up with the summer concert series, as well as book sorting.
Meeting end at 8:45
February 27, 2009
Friends Meeting Notes from 2-11-09
Friend’s Meeting
Feb 11, 2009
In Attendance: Terri S. (Library Staff Liason), Julie, Mike (Treasurer), Virginia, Sandy, Irene, Beth, Becky
7:33 p.m. start time
0. We are keeping Friends Minutes
1. Finances
Discussed finances including what we had in our account
Also discussed was the amount we made at our booksale. Mike will look into it.
2. Steering committee
Talked at previous meeting about the issue of going to an official non-profit status
Talked with Thomas D. Kern, Library Director, and he feels it best at this point for us to remain as a steering committee
Need to redo by-laws, recruit new members before we really consider having officers
Also, we discussed going to other FOL groups and seeing how the operate and talking to them about how their groups are run
Some issue brought up with the 501 3 (c) status is the amount of paperwork, need to keep up with it yearly, and who will handle it at tax time
The decision is at this time to hold off, talk to other groups and recruit more stable members. We have a lot of passive members, but need to have more active ones.
3. Other FOL groups
The talk segued into more discussion regarding visiting other FOL groups, in part to do some networking.
Also, though, Terri discovered that there is a National FOL week in mid October, the week after our book sale.
Terri proposed the idea of a meet and greet – a chance for us to host the other FOL groups and talk to each other over refreshments just for the sake of talking and networking
Becky proposed the idea of a set of questions for when we go to the different groups – that way we all have the same information to compare
Visiting other Friends
Becky - Johnsburg
Julie and Terri - Ela
Irene - Fremont
Virginia - Barrington
Beth - Waukegan, possibly Cook or VH
People gaveTerri their e-mails so she will be able to get list of the different FOL meeting times to them
Do research and see where we can improve as an FOL group
4. Green Celebration
Library has formed a green committee
April is Green Month at the library, and programming will reflect that. The Friends agreed to the purchase small pine trees to give out at some of the programming in April. The trees would be ordered through the National Arbor Day Foundations, and stickers will be put them. All were in favor of doing this.
5. Paperback exchange
Need to box up videos, and move sale books, empty the spinner
Idea was put forward about allowing VHS to go for free for a few weeks, but most agreed that we wanted to get the Paperback Exchange up as soon as we could.
6. Summer Concert Series
Approved partial sponsorship last meeting
Friends agreed to cover a small additional expense for one of the programs
7. New Business
has also asked that if people have something they wish to discuss at
meetings, to e-mail her no later than noon on the Monday before the
meeting so that she can put it on the agenda
A note from Thomas D. Kern, Library Director, was passed around, thanking the friends. It was much appreciated.
Meeting ended at 8:35
February 18, 2009
Paperback Exchange
The Friends of the Library are proud to present the Paperback
Exchange at the Wauconda Area Public Library. The Paperback Exchange is
located near the elevator, and operates on a simple set of rules. If a
pocket-sized paperback looks interesting to you, take it. When you are
done, you can return it, or if you really like it - keep it and donate
another one in its place.
Also, we have moved all the books that were for sale on our spinner to the bookcase in the wall. We will be adding more titles to that area as well. Keep in mind that the oversized paperbacks (also called "trade paperbacks") are not part of the Paperback Exchange.
We hope that people enjoy the new Paperback Exchange, and also that you check out what else we have for sale. Come in a browse, and enjoy the comforts of the library!
Happy reading!
Also, we have moved all the books that were for sale on our spinner to the bookcase in the wall. We will be adding more titles to that area as well. Keep in mind that the oversized paperbacks (also called "trade paperbacks") are not part of the Paperback Exchange.
We hope that people enjoy the new Paperback Exchange, and also that you check out what else we have for sale. Come in a browse, and enjoy the comforts of the library!
Happy reading!
February 03, 2009
Friends Meeting
Our next meeting will be held on February 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the
Lincoln Room. The meeting is open to all, and we would love to see some
new Friends there.
Jan Meeting Recap
January meeting was held on 1/14. In attendance were Terri S. (Friends
Liaison to the Library), Irene, Mike, Julie and Becky. The meeting
started about 7:40 and ended at about 8:50.
thing that was mentioned was that Kim would not be able to join us
again until June due to a scheduling conflict. She will set up a time to
talk to Mike or Terri about how to get a report from the system.
reported that a the Friends earned approximately $104.00 at the Holiday
Book Club Luncheon by offering books for sale by featured speaker,
Laura Caldwell.
Friend's discussed the funds next. An approximate amount was given, and
we hope to have a more exact amount at the next meeting. Along with
that, we will reserve monies for a project that the library talked to us
about previously.
The discussion turned to the book sale, and we finally got to do a recap of it.
the idea had been brought up of having people pay as they go - meaning
if they filled a bag/box, however the group decided against that idea as
the purpose of the book sale is to raise money.
next discussed the book shelves that were used, and agreed that it
aided the display of books, as well as storing of books during the sale.
The motion was made to purchase four more and the group passed the
motion. The shelves will be used to store donations as they come.
placed an ad in, and the group agreed it had a
positive effect on the sale. Terri will place an ad again with them
for our 2009 sale.
wrapped up the book sale discussion, and the group then discussed what
to do, if anything, for National Library Week. The idea was brought up
by Mike and Julie about doing a paperback exchange, similar to what was
done at another library. The group liked the idea and discussed where
to have it in the library, and hope to have it set up by April 1, if not
sooner. A blurb will go into the April/May issue of the Library
Friends decided to support the Summer Concert series again. This will
be done, again, in cooperation with the library and park district.
then brought the idea of our status as a non-profit. It had been
looked into previously, and the group decided to hold off until there
were more members that attended regularly. There was much debate about
what is needed, and what the benefit/responsibility is. More discussion
will come, as we ran short on time.
the issue of how the library was going Green, and what steps they were
taking was brought up. It was noted that the library has a "Green
Committee" that is looking into that.
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